Thursday, March 21, 2013

Learning with Trash Art as Learning Tools

Lately, some of facebook friends starting to do Kitchen Trash Art before started composting.
They created lovely and creative arts which also triggers me to do the same thing with the boys.
Couple days a go, we started our journey.
Here are some of our creations:
Akhir-akhir ini, beberapa teman di facebook mulai posting foto-foto karya keren dari sampah dapur.
Ajakan mereka mulai kami sambut beberapa hari yang lalu.
Inilah hasil karya sampah dapur kami:

by Clay
This totally rocks! I love this one so much!
Keren banget! Sukaaa banget yg ini!
Yep. I must admit, I got bad marks at spelling class. lol.
My eldest complained while looking at the watermarks I put on his creation picture.
"Should be 'ANGLER', Mom. Not 'ANGULAR', he said firmly and seriously.
Well, sorry, Son. I deleted the original pic already.*oops*
So this is the only pic left with my mistake written forever on it.
I love your creation so much. 
Please focus on the art fish, not the totally wrong spelling. 
Hehehehe... karya di atas menuai protes karena saya salah ketik nama spesies ikan yang dimaksud.
Seharusnya bukan 'ANGULAR', tapi 'ANGLER'. Apa boleh buat, nasi sudah jadi bubur.
Maaf ya, Nak. :D

From different angle, it gets totally different look.
From fish to leaf, and vice versa.
Dari sudut pandang yang berbeda, menjadi sehelai daun indah.
Burung Onta
and here are my second son's creations:
dan inilah karya anak kedua:
looks like a real swimming tadpole to me!
mirip banget seperti kecebong beneran!
too cute!
I, as the only woman in the house, created a girly look as shown below.
Inca Emperor,as one of my friend said. haha.
After those kitchen arts, my kids always cheerfully dig up our organic kitchen trash with me. 
seem like they inspired so much.
They learn a lot with today's trash. 
I am amazed.
They learn much more than art and creativity. 
Setelah bermain-main dengan sampah dapur dan melihat video dan artikel Arvind Gupta
mereka benar-benar bisa menggunakan sampah dapur dg sangat efektif.
Saya kagum.
Mereka belajar jauh lebih banyak dari sekedar seni dan kreatifitas.
Jauh melebihi ekspektasi saya.

Here's some of what they learn:
Trash Art and Creativity
Environmental Issues:
 - taking care of earth
-3R: reduce, reuse, recycle
-  composting
Beberapa topik yang mereka pelajari:
Kreatifitas dan Sampah Dapur
Isu Lingkungan Hidup:
- mengolah dan merawat bumi
- 3R: reduce, reuse, recycle
- membuat pupuk kompos
I learned about new vocabulary from my second son: PIC--Polar Ice Caps.
Look at the details they put on the globe.
Such details from leaves I would never expected.
Saya belajar satu kosa kata baru dari anak kedua saya: PIC -- Polar Ice Caps.
Saya sangat kagum dengan detil yang mereka letakkan di bola bumi.
Bener-bener kagum dengan usaha dan niat mereka.
Here's the first lay out with equator line, which then cancelled due to limitation space.
Foto di bawah adalah desain pertama bola bumi dengan garis katulistiwa.
Tidak jadi dipakai karena dg adanya garis katulistiwa (dari kulit wortel) membuat tata letak sempit.
What I did mostly when they creating was just walking around and taking pictures.
Apa yang saya lakukan selama mereka berkreasi dengan sampah adalah: mondar mandir dan memotret saja. Sambil mengamati dan terkagum-kagum.
Really amazed with their thoughts and excitement.
Here's the almost final globe, before revision.
They liked this version, but like the after better.
With word EARTH, the picture will deliver the message clearer.
Saya benar-benar tercengang dengan pemikiran dan antusiasme mereka.
Berikut adalah gambar bola bumi yang hampir selesai, sebelum direvisi.
Mereka menyukai versi yang ini, tapi akhirnya diubah karena menurut mereka dengan tulisan EARTH akan lebih jelas maknanya.
They deciced to change with words rather than greens as lands.
Mereka memutuskan untuk mengganti bagian hijau dengan kata saja.
Well, it's all up to you, Boys.
Saya menghargai pemikiran mereka.
Looks great!
Finally, when editing this page, I asked which quote they'd like to put on.
They choose this one.
I agreed.
A wonderful reminder for us all.
To take care of our planet, Earth.
Akhirnya, saat proses editing foto, saya menanyakan kutipan apa yang ingin mereka tambahan di gambar.
Mereka memilih kutipan Mahatma Gandhi:
BUMI menyediakan CUKUP untuk memuaskan KEBUTUHAN MANUSIA, 
Saya menyetujuinya.
Suatu peringatan indah buat kita semua.
Kita perlu menjaga dan merawat planet bumi, bukan hanya mengambil keuntungan darinya.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Terima kasih.


Tell me and I forget. 
Teach me and I remember. 
Involve me and I learn.
-Benjamin Franklin 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Schools Debate:The Living Rainforest: ‘Who is responsible … are we ready to take responsibility for the future of our planet?’

So many things crammed in our minds after reading those wonderful books and watch beautifully documentary movies about nature.
Passion and love to protecting nature brought us to do little "greener" things in our daily lives.
More and more each day.
We need to make a CHANGE.
And we want to spread the words, through our actions and media, as wide as possible.

Get this information about International Schools Debate at The Living Rainforest from a teacher friend and thought this is the perfect opportunity to speak up.
The topic is really intriguing and challenging:
"Who is responsible ... are we ready to take responsibility for the future of our planet?"
So, we are compiling the YouTube videos for us to scrutinize and watch carefully, getting inspired and ready to write what's in our heads.

Read on:

What Happen in the Future starts NOW:

Sustainable Energy:



more about Birke:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
