After the long wait and compiling the facts and ideas to write essays for International Schools Debate since March, finally two days ago I got an email from director of the Living Rainforest as follows:
"Dear Teacher Champions,
Thank you for leading your school’s participation in the 2013
International Schools Essay Competition. We received 831 essays from around the
world – 594 from secondary schools and 237 were from primary schools – and the
judging process has now been completed.
On behalf the Living Rainforest and the Judging Panel, please
allow me to extend our sincere congratulations to everyone who participated,
and especially to the Finalists and students awarded Honourable Mentions (please
refer to the list below).
Eagle Nest - Honourable Mention: Stefan Aneshka Lea.
Sman 13 Jakarta - Honourable Mention: Dharma Kurnia Septialoka."
The Trophy Winners will be announced on 26-27 June, 2013.
Trophies and Certificates will be awarded at the Schools Debates and Prize
Giving Ceremonies in the UK (Northern Hemisphere event, 26-27 June 2013) and
Seychelles (Southern Hemisphere event, 1-5 July 2013). Each school named below is invited to attend either event and
bring 2 students, plus a Teacher Champion and Parent. While attendance at the
Schools Debates is free of charge, travel-related costs are the responsibility
of participating schools except for the Grand Prize Winner."
Then, I was a bit confused, since Stefan's name listed in the secondary level, not primary as supposed. After asking for more detailed explanation, the director of The Living Rainforest, Karl, explained that I was signed up Stefan's name under seconday level. I made a mistake in the registration part. But it was okay. He kindly mentioned will change the certificate into primary level. But it made me think. Then Evan's writing was judged with other 593 writings from secondary level?
And still got Honourable Mention?
I am speechless.
Here's another email from Karl Hansen, Director of The Living Rainforest:
"Dear Ekawati –
The Honourable Mention was awarded to Stefan Aneshka Lea.
As Eagle Nest was awarded
an Honourable Mention and invited to the Schools Debates, you are welcome to
bring up to 2 students along to the Schools Debates, so Clement can also be
included. If you do not attend, a Certificate will be sent to Stefan in the post."
Honorable Mention defined as follows:
(noun) a prize given in a competition for work of high quality that did not receive first, second, or third prize
(Definition of honourable mention noun from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
We are excited and surprised! So, he is more than just a finalist, but already given an Honorable Mention. :)) More than grateful reading on this particular email.
Due to the fact that the ticket prices are expensive for flying from Indonesia to UK or Seychelles, we decided not to go. :((
Hopefully next time...
If you are interested in reading Evan's thoughts and writing, you could click here.
Thank you very much for reading. :)
Proud and Happy Mom,
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Setelah menunggu untuk waktu yang cukup lama, dari bulan Maret lalu, 2 hari lalu saya menerima email dari direktur the Living Rainforest sebagai berikut:
"Kepada Para Guru Pemenang,
Terima kasih telah berpartisipasi dalam Kompetisi Esai antar Sekolah Internasional 2013. Kami menerima 831 esai dari berbagai penjuru dunia - 594 dari sekolah tingkat menengah dan 237 dari sekolah tingkat dasar. Proses penjurian sekarang telah selesai.
Mewakili pihak the Living Rainforest dan para Juri, ijinkan saya mengucapkan selamat untuk semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi, dan juga khususnya bagi para finalis dan murid yang mendapatkan Penghargaan Kehormatan (Honourable Mention). (silakan perhatikan daftar di bawah)
Eagle Nest - Honourable Mention: Stefan Aneshka Lea.
Sman 13 Jakarta - Honourable Mention: Dharma Kurnia Septialoka."
*doenggg* berapa tuuh bayar tiket, penginapan dan makannya? *langsung google dan pingsan*
Lalu, ada kebingungan juga, karena nama Stefan ada di daftar tingkat menengah (SMP dan SMA), bukan tingkat dasar (SD).
Setelah dijelaskan lebih detil oleh direktur the Living Rainforest, Karl Hansen, ternyata dalam proses registrasi nama Stefan terdaftar di kelompok menengah, bukan dasar. Saya melakukan kesalahan dalam proses pendaftaran. :P
Karl dengan baiknya menjelaskan, sertifikat nanti akan dirubah sesuai dengan usia Stefan. Tapi muncul satu pertanyaan lagi, berarti tulisan Stefan dinilai bersamaan dengan 593 karya lain dari tingkat menengah? Dan masih mendapatkan Penghargaan Kehormatan (Honourable Mention)?
Berikut petikan email lain yang saya terima:
"Kepada Yth. Ekawati - Selamat.
Penghargaan Kehormatan (Honourable Mention) diberikan kepada Stefan Aneshka Lea.
Eagle Nest (nama homeschool kami), mendapatkan Penghargaan Kehormatan sekaligus undangan untuk menghadiri Debat Sekolah. Anda dapat mengajak 2 orang murid untuk menghadiri acara debat, jadi Clement juga bisa diikutsertakan. Tetapi jika Anda memilih untuk tidak hadir, sertifikat akan kami kirimkan via pos."
Definisi dari Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus adalah sebagai berikut:
(kata benda) hadiah yang diberikan dalam kompetisi untuk pekerjaan dengan kualitas tinggi yang tidak menerima hadiah pertama, kedua atau ketiga.
Kami sangat gembira dan kaget! Jadi, Stefan lebih dari sekedar finalis. Senangnya!
Jika Anda tertarik untuk membaca tulisan Evan, silakan klik tautan berikut ini.
Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktu membaca blog kami.
Proud and Happy Mom,